Landlords could be forced to lease empty shops

A council has been granted the power to auction the lease of empty shops, in a bid to revive its high streets.
North Somerset Council is one of eight local authorities in the UK that can use High Street Rental Auction powers, if a retail space remains empty for a year and landlords do not take steps to let it.
There are now plans to put this into practice in Weston-super-Mare, Nailsea and Clevedon.
Councillor Mark Canniford told BBC West: "We want to get empty properties let again, so people can have their high streets back."
The council must first designate town centre zones to decide where the powers can be applied.
This will include some public engagement on the plans, expected before summer.
Portishead will not be included in the plans initially, but North Somerset Council admitted this could change in future.
"Other businesses suffer because landlords will not let or allow new businesses to open up in their premises," Mr Canniford explained.
"People want these spaces, they just can't afford the space at the rates the landlords are looking for, so we need to look at what is a realistic rent."

Paul Batts, a local business owner and chairman for Weston Business Improvement District (BID) has an empty shop opposite his own.
"It's quite an eyesore in a small narrow street, so it isn't really what you want to see. People might look at it and think the street doesn't look very nice and be put off walking further."
Reacting to the plans, Mr Batts said: "There'll be some landlords who think it's great they'll be able to get some help, and there'll be some longstanding ones who really don't seem to be bothered and that's a shame.
"That's when it's down to North Somerset Council to pursue it and get those buildings filled."
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