Our favourite North East and Cumbria Instagram pictures of 2023
Kristie Kinghorn & Duncan LeatherdaleBBC News Online

Brian MatthewsBrian Matthews' perfect picture of a puffin from November was our top photo of the year with more than 32,000 likes

Graham O'Dwyer Graham O'Dwyer got to meet the Lake District's famous locals he had 'herd' about when he visited in January

Ian SproatIan Sproat caught this amazing moment of a human face appearing in a breaking wave in Sunderland in February

Claire Eason/Soul2SandKing Charles III made a surprise appearance at Bamburgh beach for his coronation in May...

Dan Monk...with the Northumberland castle also posing for a picture with the blue supermoon in August for Dan Monk

Darren ChevertonAll roads lead to Penshaw Monument (well this one does at least) as pictured by Darren Cheverton

Scott KeenleysideScott Keenleyside saw the whole of the super moon in July at Whitley Bay

AFPWil Cheung took this stunning picture of the Northern Lights at Sycamore Gap in September shortly before the tree was chopped down

Nicky HunterNicky Hunter shared this uplifting picture from Saltburn in September after the town's famous cliff Tramway won an award

Sam BindingSam Binding's beautiful picture from Grasmere really catches the eye

Steve SeddonSteve Seddon caught the Northern Lights on Holy Island

Ross Johnston/RJX MEDIAThe year ended with snow in Durham, as caught in this breath-taking shot by Ross Johnston in Durham