False teeth among lost property left on ferries

Getty Images A stock image of a set of false teethGetty Images
The set of gnashers were among items left behind on Wightlink ferries last year

False teeth, a banjo and a child's potty were among more than 2,000 pieces of lost property left on ferries between the Isle of Wight and the south coast in 2024.

Operator Wightlink said among the usual things like hats, gloves and mobile phones, quirkier effects like a bag of golf clubs and a packet of Hobnobs were also left behind.

The company said any items left by the four million people that use its ferries every year were kept for a month before being recycled or destroyed.

Pairs of glasses were the most common lost property over the past year, followed by bank cards and water bottles.

Getty Images A publicity shot of three Hobnob biscuitsGetty Images
It is not clear whether the packet of Hobnobs was reunited with its owner

Other unusual items recovered by Wightlink staff were a road bike, a bag of shopping and a cuddly Highland cow.

Not all travel companies choose to recycle or destroy their items.

In November, Transport for London (TfL) said revenue from unclaimed items sent to auction had doubled in a year from £96,615 to £199,136.

TfL said items not claimed within three months became its property, but added "most" things were given to charity.

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