Man bitten by shark on South Africa fishing trip

Nelli Bird
BBC Wales News
Curtis Miller Curtis Miller, holding the jaws open of a ragged tooth shark while standing in shallow water in rocks.Curtis Miller
Curtis with another ragged-tooth shark he caught while in South Africa

A man needed 91 stitches after being bitten by a 300lb shark while on a fishing trip in South Africa.

Curtis Miller, 29, from Barry, Vale of Glamorgan, said he did not feel any pain at first but was overwhelmed by the power of the fish after it bit his arm.

Curtis, a keen fisherman had been in Mossel Bay with friends, "catching sharks and living the dream".

But the trip took a dramatic turn on 28 February when a friend caught a huge ragged-tooth shark and Curtis went to its tail, trying to move it up some rocks when it "turned and just latched on".

Curtis Miller Four men, with Curtis Miller in the middle, next to a large ragged-tooth shark on rocks by the sea.Curtis Miller
Curtis and his friends were on the "trip of a lifetime" enjoying their passion for fishing when he was injured by the shark
  • Warning: This article contains a photo of the shark bite injury

Curtis added: "I was like a rag doll, I couldn't have done nothing, it was so strong. It was like sheer shock and I thought 'right I am in trouble here'.

"I didn't actually feel the pain at first, it was more the power of the fish latching on, it was like a strength you never felt in your life."

Luckily, according to Curtis, the shark, about 6 foot (1.8m) in length, released its grip and he then realised he was bleeding heavily.

"I tried to stay calm because I know when you panic, things can go wrong. And luckily the local ranger was there to take me to a local hospital."

Curtis Miller Photo of numerous wounds to an arm, near the elbowCurtis Miller
Curtis's arm was badly injured and bleeding

Curtis needed 91 stitches and had to have three arteries tied to stop the blood flow.

He said the medical staff were surprised by his injury as they had only seen two other shark bites in the hospital and he felt like a "local hero".

"I had all the nurses and doctors come round and ask, 'you OK, you OK'?"

His treatment was a success and, after an overnight stay in hospital, he is now back home in Wales.

Curtis Miller Fishing rods set up on socks by the sea in Mossel Bay, South Africawith blue sky and pink clouds.Curtis Miller
The group had been fishing in Mossel Bay, which is popular with tourists

He said one of the worst parts was having to ring his mother.

He recalled telling her: "Mum I am fine, don't panic but I've been bitten by a shark."

Despite the drama, Curtis said it would not change his love of chasing big fish.

"I am not put off. I am going back next year, I have got unfinished business," he laughed.