Man charged with murder after fatal stabbing

Kevin Sharkey
BBC News NI Dublin reporter
RTÉ A street is sealed off with Garda tape in Dublin city centre. A Garda van is in the street as are a number of shops and bikes.RTÉ
The stabbing happened on South Anne Street, close to Grafton Street, in Dublin city centre

A 23 year-old man has been charged with murder after a fatal stabbing in Dublin city centre.

The man was arrested by the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) in Belfast on Sunday.

Quam Babatunde, 34, who was in the Irish asylum-seeking system, died after he was stabbed close to Grafton Street in Dublin in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Police said that a post-mortem examination had already been conducted and that CCTV footage and telecommunication evidence had also been seized.

The man charged was detained under the Criminal Jurisdiction Act 1975 and a court granted the PSNI additional time to question him earlier this week.

He is due to appear at Belfast Magistrates' Court on Friday morning.

Two other men appeared in court in Dublin earlier this week in connection with the incident.