Wales' papers: Paddleboard firm boss admits deaths and brother-in-law's attack left man in hospital

Western Mail Front page of the Western mail shows a photo of a rugby player next to the headline Lake return only Wales change for Scots showdown. Below that story is a the headline Paddleboard firm boss admits deathsWestern Mail
Flintshire Leader The front page of the Flintshire Leader had a lead story with the headline Brother in laws attack left man in hospital and the sub headline court told of feud in the family that led to the ugly incident beside a police photo of a man with short hair and a red beard.Flintshire Leader
South Wales Echo Front page of the South Wales Echo  showd a picture of young man with curly hair covering his face and an inset photo of an man, beside the headline, teenager denies murder after father bled to deathSouth Wales Echo
South Wales Evening Post Front page of the South Wales Evening Post shows a woman in as wetsuit carrying a yellow paddle board next the headline, woman admits causing deaths of paddle boarders South Wales Evening Post
Daily Post The Daily Post front page with a leading headline reading: "Firm behind £250m report plan faces fraud probe." Daily Post
Wrexham Leader The front page of the Wrexham leader has a lead story under the headline: We will not stop fighting for this and a sub headline saying pair vow to keep pushing for a new healthcare facility and two men in suits standing together outside. Wrexham Leader