States approves more regulation of landlords

Private tenants will have more protections to deal with bad landlords under new legislation.
Proposals from the Environment and Infrastructure Committee (E&I) will create a new Director of Housing Standards and also give the committee the power to pass regulations on hazards and minimum standards of homes.
Deputies approved the draft law 19 votes to 17, with four people abstaining.
President of E&I Lindsay de Sausmarez said: "More than a quarter of households live in our private rental sector and this legislation will ensure that all of those individuals and families can exercise their right to live in a home that is fit for human habitation."
The policy was first brought to the states in 2018 and then again in 2020.
Its primary purpose is to ensure:
- That dwellings in Guernsey are free from hazards
- That rented dwellings comply with basic, minimum standards
- That dwellings do not become overcrowded
- That landlords, their representatives and their properties are registered
- And that houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) are licenced
The changes were due to be introduced gradually over the next few months, officials said.
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