Cornwall's Ships and Castles Leisure Centre to close as planned

LDRS Ships & Castles leisure centreLDRS
The Falmouth centre was originally one of five facilities under threat of closure but it was the only one that Cornwall Council's cabinet said should close

Cornwall Council will continue with plans to close a popular Falmouth leisure centre.

The decision on the future of Ships and Castles was made at a council cabinet meeting just one day before it was set to close its doors for good.

Falmouth councillors successfully "called-in" the initial decision so it would be examined in the extraordinary meeting on Wednesday.

Its operators, GLL, previously said it could no longer afford to run it.

The cabinet voted unanimously to approve the recommendation to close the centre in line with recommendations from council officers.

Concerns raised

Cornwall Council's legal officers had stated they agreed the council's cabinet did not have adequate information when they made the initial decision to close the venue.

The call-in was submitted by Labour councillors Laurie Magowan and Jayne Kirkham.

It was on the grounds that the cabinet members did not consider the details of a bid to takeover the centre which had been submitted by two alternative operators.

Speaking after the decision to continue with plans to close the centre, Councillor Richard Pears said: "We are committed to continue to work with the community, partners and stakeholders to develop plans for an alternative leisure offering in the Falmouth area."

Cornwall Council said after reviewing the bids and accompanying financial information, the cabinet found that "none were economically viable".

It added it was working with schools in Falmouth to ensure pupils were able to access swimming lessons in alternative venues.

The Falmouth centre was originally one of five facilities under threat of closure but it was the only one that Cornwall Council's cabinet said should close.

The centre will close on Thursday.


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